A one hour version of the first act of my musical, Story of the Century was performed at the Kansas City Fringe Festival in July 2016.
We had three scheduled performances (7-23-2016; 07-29-2016 and 07-30-2016). All three performances sold out and Story of the Century was honored as Best of the Unicorn Theater, Levin Stage.” Dr. Chris McCoy directed the musical; and Marybeth Sorrell managed design, costuming and production; and Brent Challacombe was music director.
We are now working on revisions to the full length musical and hope to do a Table Reading of the revised script and music by the first of 2017 and hope to perform a Workshop Reading of the complete musical in Spring 2017.
I’ll keep you posted.
We’re on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/storyofthecentury.
More later!
David Hill